PELUANG KERJA KE ARAB SAUDI bidang Junior Machine Operator – Plastic Conversation

Job Description

Main Task & Duties:
1.     Monitors and ensures that the Cast Lines are running at optimum levels and set targets of material and time efficiency are met Operate the Cast Lines and Edge Cutting Unit at optimum levels to attain set production targets
2.     Make scheduled and preventive maintenance checks on facility equipment such as pumps, motors and air compressors
3.     Perform routine servicing and adjustments to equipment
4.     Lubricate equipment, including bearings and valves and change oil as required
5.     Perform preventive maintenance duties including painting equipment and cleaning trash screens and filters

Other Skills and Abilities:
1.     Reading comprehensions
2.     Active listening

Education and Experience:
1.     Secondary / Vocational Course
2.     One to two years’ experience on the same field  especially in PVC, Film & General Film Extrusions

Computer Skills:
Basic knowledge in computer